NEW bronze sculpture by Dave Stevenson
Read moreAnd Then the Tiny Elf Clutched His Tiny Tools...
…with His Tiny Hands to Make a Tiny…
Cabri (wild goat), in-progress. Inspired by the impish little beasts that frolic among the hills of St-Barth, F.W.I. (Pendant available in sterling silver, & 18k gold.)
I’ve always wanted to abstract a sleek and fearsome shark, so this is my first stab at the stunning Caribbean Reef Shark, created during the wintry mix of sleet n snow that pounded the City today. The next step is to enlarge this 12” wire drawing to my normal “working scale” of about 2.5-3 feet, then add mass to the wireframe with foam and resin. If I manage to capture the formidable power, speed & beauty of this graceful predator, I’ll mold it & cast it in stainless steel!
So this is the part where I'm supposed to just add my second photo, the side B if you will, of the same sculpture depicted below. But somehow in the midst of photo-editing I was overcome by an inane will to compose a childish rhyme to go along with it. One silly line led to the next until...well, there's really no fair excuse for it all. May I blame it on a recent weekend in CT with one children's book that could not be put to its fair, final resting place no matter how many pillows we buried it under, repeatedly!?
I certainly don't want to overwrite the fine song already in your happy head so lets just say the book dealt with one particular redundant BUS ride and its incessant, screeching, howling, desperately in-need-of-oil (and a god-help-us how about a flat tire?) wheels...But jest, do I. My friends have an adorable daughter who I love spending time with. Maybe next time she will have moved on to trains. Trains are good. Trains are fun plus they're a lot faster than buses and...
P.S. I just wrote a book for Foster (i.e. Annette & Matthew & their Tenacious Bus Song Loving Crew) at the rest stop where I pulled over for coffee on my way to the studio today. I'm about to start the drawings/story-boarding. It's about my beloved kitty Mischka of no small part inspired by conversations with Bunny and our hilarious weekend experiencing Annette's SNL-worthy speed-reading juxtaposed with Matthew's Broadway-beating performances.
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